End Of Term Activities Checklist

Dear parents and carers,

As our academic year draws to a close we have a few reminders for everyone to keep in mind over the coming days.

Firstly, please could all families return their sponsorship forms at the soonest possible convenience so that we may issue your little ones with their certificate and award for taking part in this important community fundraising activity for Little Crickets Nursery.

Next Monday 12th July we have a very exciting day of fun as we will have a bouncy castle on site, so please ensure your child is dressed appropriately to enjoy their best bounces.

On Tuesday 13th July we will be holding our ever-popular Teddy Bears Picnic. Please remember to send your child with their teddy bear for this day, along with £5 for the picnic food that we will all be enjoying. There is no need to send a packed lunch for your child on this day as food will be provided.

Tuesday 13th July is also the last day of term for Little Crickets nursery, though Graduating Children (those who will be moving into reception next year) will be invited to attend the graduation ceremony on Wednesday 14th July. Graduating children are to attend nursery at 8:50 on Wednesday 14th July to prepare for the ceremony.  The actual ceremony will begin promptly at 10:30am with a limit of two attending adults per family.

For all of our returning families who will be with us for another year, Nursery reopens on Tuesday 7th September 2021.